Many men are not satisfied with the size of their genitals, they are tormented by complexes and various fears. Such a man can always be manifested by some manifestations: shyness, apathy and a desire to make any contact with women. Although recent research shows that overly talkative and arrogant men can also have small penis sizes - in this way they try to raise self-esteem. For these reasons, members of the stronger sex begin to look for ways to change the configuration of their body. One such is the massage to enlarge the penis. You can see a lot of positive reviews on various forums and resources, but is massage really effective?

How effective is a penis massage?
Penis enlargement is an acute issue today, so the modern market offers a large number of medications, devices, techniques and procedures to achieve this goal. Those who can afford it turn to a surgeon for help, which is why penis size is changed using the surgical method. However, this procedure has many obvious disadvantages. The most important of these are high cost, long-term rehabilitation and the existing risk of complications. Therefore it is better to give preference to another method. While this will not allow you to enlarge your body in a short time, it will be safer.
Studies have shown that in the understanding of most people the small penis is less than 12 centimeters while the average length is 12-18 centimeters at our latitudes. This size is optimal and perfect for the female genitals, thanks to which the beautiful sex gets pleasure and orgasm without discomfort and pain. If the penis is more than 18 centimeters, then it is considered large.
The Arabs look at the genitals very scrupulously. Fathers take care of their children from an early age, teaching them a special massage with which you can enlarge the penis. The child is transferred to a special medical facility, where in addition to general health procedures, a abdominal massage is performed if the family can financially perform such procedures. This helps to normalize blood circulation and proper development of the penis, which is why it increases in size. This confirms the effectiveness of massage, as well as the fact that it is better to engage in penis enlargement at a young age, when the rate of cell regeneration is maximal. In addition, young men have more elastic phalluses, so the likelihood of injury is much lower.
It is important to note that you do not need to hope for a promising result, as this process takes a long time, however you should devote no more than 30 minutes to your body every day. The effectiveness of the procedure increases due to the combination of other side methods, as well as the use of special drugs.
The main advantages of massage include the following facts:
- Massage to enlarge the penis can be done at home on your own;
- It is enough to make a minimal financial investment to buy an intimate lubricant, although with some exercise you can do it;
- Not only is its size and shape corrected by such manipulations with your body, but it also has a positive effect on the entire reproductive system;
- If you follow all the rules and recommendations, then the probability of side effects and complications will be reduced to zero.
Most men are skeptical that penile massage can cause enlargement. This view is erroneous because such procedures exist in almost every culture in the world.
To answer the question about the effectiveness of the method, you need to understand the structure of the male genitalia. The penis is a muscular organ made up of several structural elements. When aroused, a nerve signal is sent from the brain, which activates the synthesis of sex hormones and increases blood circulation in the uterine area.

Because of this, the cavities (cavernous bodies) of the body are filled with blood. The larger the size of these bodies, the greater their volume and therefore the amount of blood that can be placed depends on it. If the body is abundantly filled with blood, it will become thicker and longer. The cavernous body can be grown through special training. Any man can carry them out at home, and you should be guided by certain rules, do not forget about safety precautions and contraindications.
One of the main conditions for getting a positive result is regularity. Procedural implementation is necessary systematically, preferably daily, in addition, it requires minimal time and effort. Training includes changing the intensity and duration of the sessions. There are different massage techniques, they vary in difficulty, but you need to start with the simplest to prepare the penis for the next load.
Various creams and gels perfectly complement the procedure, they cause the tissues to stretch. These funds are sold in specialty stores and pharmacies. You should consult a qualified professional to avoid complications and side effects. The Extenders performed well. A device is a device designed to stretch the phallus. You can use the product during the break between massages.
Before using this or that tool or device, you should carefully read its instructions, especially according to the rules of use, which will protect you from possible pathologies.
Preparatory activities
Every man wants to know how to enlarge his penis with the help of massage, because this technique has great advantages. If you follow all the rules and recommendations of doctors, after two months the size of the penis will increase to a few centimeters in length. Regular exercise allows you to increase not only the length but also the length of the penis, this has a positive effect on the sensations during sexual intercourse. Men note that after such manipulations, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, which is why ejaculation is controlled and the duration of sexual intercourse is significantly increased.
Preparatory work is one of the most important aspects. First of all, a man should have a positive attitude - nervous tension or psycho-emotional fatigue will make massage ineffective and even painful. It is best to take a bath before the procedure or do a hot compress to properly warm the pelvic area. This will allow the muscles to relax, which will increase their elasticity, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the workout.
We need to prepare a place for lessons. It is important that no one bothers the man at this point. Some exercises involve lying down, so you need to prepare for such a place, you do not need to do it too softly, but it is important that it is comfortable. If you want, you can turn on relaxing, light music.
You should pay attention to the hands - they need to be washed, dried, treated with a special antibacterial agent, and the feet should be adjusted so that the body is not mechanically damaged.
Now you can go straight to penis training. To do this, you need to bring her into an erect position - her head is tightly wrapped around her hands and compressed, but the pain should not arise. After that, the body is gently stretched from different sides until discomfort appears. Over time, the pain threshold will increase; In the future, such stretching will not cause unpleasant sensations. These were very preparatory measures after which you can continue the exercises.
Gymnastics ends with a head strain and a trunk strain, 10 times will suffice. Penis massage is the safest method of enlarging it. While performing the exercises the person is in complete control of the process, if sharp pain appears, then the manipulations can be stopped immediately. This cannot be done using special equipment, such as a pump or expansion nozzle. The first results are visible only after 30 days, but dramatic changes will occur in six months. There are a large number of different techniques for performing exercises, each of which has a small probability of injury and does not cause circulatory problems, which can not be said about other techniques.
Side effects
Exercises should be done at least 3-4 times a week, but it is advisable to do it daily. Massage does not pose a threat to men’s health, including for reproductive function. If you prepare properly before the workout and do the massage directly, following all the recommendations, the likelihood of complications is minimal. However, there are a number of side effects that men sometimes notice, including:
- Change in the color of the skin of the penis, affecting individual areas or the entire surface of the body. Often this phenomenon occurs a few months after the manipulation. The color change is explained by the close proximity of the vessels;
- Appearance of veins on the trunk surface - Massage exercises increase blood circulation inside the body, which helps to increase the size of the vessels, which is why they stand out on the surface. This process can not be called a complication, since the veins form extra ribs, which your partner values;
- Existence of localized spots on the head. They are red in color and visually resemble injection marks. In rare cases, these spots darken and their area grows. This indicates that the intensity of the exercises is very high, you should reduce this rate or completely abandon the manipulations for a while so that the penis fully recovers.

These manifestations can hardly be called abnormal, since they do not harm the body and do not require treatment. If the surface of the spots is characterized by increased dryness, then it is enough to simply lubricate the penis with moisturizers. They should not contain dyes and other components that may cause an allergic reaction or cause an inflammatory process on the sensitive surface of the penis.
Thai massage
Thai massage of the penis is very popular today. It is not necessary to exercise it arbitrarily, because in its performance the man must be completely relaxed. You can ask your spouse for these exercises, and it can be a perfect occasion for role-playing to help diversify your sex life. If you can afford it, you can visit a special salon where this procedure is performed by qualified specialists.
The technique of this procedure aims not only to increase the penis, but also the number of experienced orgasms, as well as to improve the quality of the erection. It is necessary to warm the man's body well before the manipulations; To do this, massage your legs, chest, shoulders and neck. After that, they move to the buttocks, it is necessary to squeeze strongly, but slowly, in order to arouse, the finger should be run along the anus (without penetrating it). The fact is that this place contains a large accumulation of nerve endings.
Then they move to the testicles, the gonads are very sensitive to touch, so they need to be light and relaxed. Otherwise, the man will experience pain and further manipulations will not be in vain. After that, the man has to take a dog-style position and the woman has to hit the penis again. It is better to visually consider the massage to enlarge the penis, the video has useful information and very important aspects that you should pay attention to when doing these exercises:
Self-massage for penis growth
Penis enlargement massage can be done on your own, it is a perfect solution for men who are shy or do not have a regular sex partner. Self-massage is one of the simplest and cheapest methods to increase "humanity", because for its implementation it is enough to perform only a certain sequence of actions. The procedure lasts only a few minutes, so it is recommended to do it regularly. This exercise is even prescribed at a medical facility if a patient has been diagnosed with a sufficient blood supply to the penis.
Before exercising, you need to dip the edge of a towel in warm water and wrap your penis with it for a few minutes. Thanks to such simple manipulation, blood will actively enter the genitals. Then it cleans perfectly with a dry towel and you can continue to exercise, for this you need to follow this simple algorithm of actions:
- The relaxed penis is firmly drained with the right hand and "moves away from the head" to the side. It is necessary to perform these actions for a few minutes, gradually increasing the stretching force. After that, for 2-3 minutes, the penis should rest so as not to cause significant ligaments.
- The penis should be clenched into a fist and done in circular motions at least 20 times.
- In addition, the penis is still clenched into a fist, but now the movements have a certain trajectory: right-left-top-down, and then vice versa.
- You should rest for a few minutes again before starting the next workout. The penis should then be bent all over the area, which will facilitate better blood circulation and stretch the structural elements, which will further increase its size.

Now you know how to massage the penis in minimal time. There are other methods of performing these manipulations, each of which has its own nuances and characteristics. In some cases it is advisable to combine these procedures to increase the effectiveness of these manipulations.
Taoist technology
This technique allows you to enlarge the penis with minimal manipulations, it is enough to perform the following actions:
- It is necessary to take a deep breath through the nose, catch and swallow, trying to send it to the stomach. When air hits the lower abdomen, try to apply it to the abdomen.
- With the three fingers of the left hand (index, middle and ring), you have to press the point between the scrotum and the anus, in Eastern practice it is called Hu-yun. This will help strengthen the erection.
- At this point you should have your fingers and take a deep breath.
- At this time the right hand stretches the penis back and forth, while the movements should be rhythmic and light, with a number of repetitions 36 times. The thumb should hit the head until the penis is erect.
- With your right hand, you should catch the bottom of the phallus. To catch the power, move your hand 3-4 inches forward. Thus, air energy will begin to accumulate. Try to push yourself closer.
- Then you have to pull the member to the right and rotate it clockwise 36 times, then the same number only in the other direction. Then lean to the right and repeat these manipulations again. Through such actions, the energy received from the major organs will be directed to the "male sex", which will strengthen and increase its capabilities.
- The exercise ends with a light touch of the penis in an erect position on the inner thigh 36 times, first to the right, then to the left.
This technique has existed for several centuries, its implementation is quite problematic because it combines complex breathing techniques and physical exercises. Difficulties may arise at first, but experience will show the first results. Men are skeptical of this method and try to find another way to enlarge the penis with massage, but it deserves attention because its effectiveness has been proven by hundreds of positive reviews from satisfied members of the stronger sex.
Kegel technique
Many people are familiar with Kegel techniques when searching for penis enlargement techniques. This is a special kind of manipulation, which is very easy to implement, but really has a large number of positive features. ენიYour include:
- Increase the strength of the erection;
- Getting a repeat orgasm;
- Ejaculation control;
- Increase in the duration of sexual intercourse;
- Maintain prostate health;
- Reduce body recovery time after ejaculation.
The essence of this technique is to affect a specific muscle in the PC (pubococcygeal muscle). It belongs to the group of pelvic floor muscles that regulate the functioning of the male reproductive system. This muscle acts as a connecting link between the coccyx and the pubic bone. You can find it between the anus and the scrotum. Along with other similar muscles, it regulates urination and is responsible for orgasm. In the male body, this muscle contracts during ejaculation. If you study and develop it, then you will significantly improve the quality of your sex life.
The technique was named in honor of its creator, Arnold Kegel. It consists of simple manipulations with the pelvic muscles, through which you can learn to give yourself and your partner real pleasure during the sex process. It should be noted that women also reach orgasm with the help of this muscle, so there are many techniques for the fairer sex that allow them to discover new capabilities in their body.
The first step is to find the muscles of your computer. In men it is much easier to do this - you have to stop urinating when about half is left in the bladder. This will not only help determine the location of the muscle, but will also be the first step in using the technique. You should resume and stop urinating at least 5 times when going to the toilet. The ability to stop urinating will help you gain control over ejaculation.

Kegel gymnastics can be done at a convenient time. Once it has become possible to determine the location of the muscle, no problems with exercise should arise. They can be performed anywhere, for example, in the car, at the table, at home watching TV, etc. Sh. The advantage of the method is that it is not visible at all on the outside, except for a small movement of the pants, which is almost imperceptible. One of the main conditions for achieving a positive result is regularity. You should start with 20 repetitions a day, gradually increasing this figure to 100. Over time, you need to increase this ability, when you reach 250 times a day, amazing changes take place in the body. But the main goal is 1000 weakening throughout the day.
To achieve this result, you must pay attention to the following algorithm:
- You should start with an intense massage of the computer, try to release the muscle as much as possible and build muscle.
- Sometimes hold the muscle in a compressed position for as long as possible.
- The exercise should be performed with a gradual increase in load.
- Vibrating computer. With prolonged manipulation, you will feel a certain vibration from the muscle, thanks to which energy will be distributed throughout the body.
- It is important to adjust your breathing - it should be moderate and deep, this method is wonderful for the body to recover after a hard day's work or physical activity.
Experts note that exercise with MS muscle stimulation reduces to zero the likelihood of incontinence and many other diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, you will get great results in the form of an enlarged penis and an improved quality of sex life. Kegel technique is mentioned as one of the most effective and affordable because it is performed at any time and no financial injections are required for its implementation.
Penis enlargement with massage is an excellent method that is easy, safe and cheap to implement. Exercises along with the external genitalia have been proven to improve overall health, especially reproductive functions, erection, and they also help increase penis size. Of course, there is no need to hope for a lightning result, but after a few months the penis will grow by a few centimeters and not only in length but also in the membrane. Prior to manipulations, you should visit a medical facility to make sure that there are no individual pathologies in which exercise can be contraindicated.